St Denis' Primary School
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School Safety

Accidents in School

In the event that a child is injured in the playground, they will visit the First Aider. Their condition will be assessed and recorded and if a head injury has occurred, the parent / carer will be contacted by telephone. 

Inclement Weather

During wet weather, pupils will be allowed access to the school and or classroom. In the course of these breaks, supervisory adults will be present and children will be offered a range of activities to enjoy.

 Dealing with Racist Incidents

The Race Relations Act of 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of his/ her colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national background. The Act makes it the duty of Glasgow City Council to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination. In 1999 the guidelines "Dealing with Racial Harassment" were issued to assist all teaching staff in dealing with such incidents. The adoption of an anti-racist approach should be seen as part of the continuing attempt to improve the quality of education. Glasgow City Council recognises that support from the home is essential if these aims are to be achieved. Every child in Glasgow has the right to be happy and secure at school.

Anti Bullying Policy

At St Denis' we have a robust Anti Bullying Policy which is implemented in line with Glasgow City Council guidelines. Full details of this policy can be found on our School App.

Partnership in Healthcare

The School Medical Officer usually at some point in Primary 1 carries out routine general medical examinations of primary pupils in school. Parents will always be told when these examinations are to take place in order that they can be present at the medical.

Screening tests of eyesight and hearing are also carried out at various points throughout your child’s primary education. Dental checks will also take place. Please remember that none of these take place without your consent.

If your child has a particular health problem, please bring it to the attention of the Head Teacher

 Information in Emergency Situations

The school must be able to get in contact with parents or a relative in case of accident or sudden illness of a child. Parents are therefore requested to give a contact address and telephone number for themselves and/or another responsible person we can contact.  We ask you to ensure that the contact number is aware that their details have been given to the school and that they will be contacted if the parent is unavailable.   If you move house or change your number please ensure that the school has a note of the new information.

 Where a child has a minor accident, this is dealt with by one of the school’s staff. This member of staff is a trained First Aider. This member of staff will administer first aid and if necessary log accidents in the school’s Accident Log. Should however a child require treatment for a more serious incident, parents will be contacted to take the child for treatment.  We have limited provision for children who become sick in school. Every effort will be made to contact either parents or the child’s emergency contact to arrange for the child to be collected from school.

Wet Weather Provision

At the beginning of the school day pupils will be given access to school from  8:50 a.m. if there is adult supervision available.

In order to maintain good order and safety no adults will be allowed into the building. Supervising adults will take the pupils into school. 

Fire Risk Assessment Documentation


Inclement Weather Documentation
